(not using git = sudo pacman -S google-chrome) For installing manually and practice (because is good to know how to use git to download, unpack and install other applications):
Follow these steps
sudo pacman -S git
Press “y” when prompted.
Then, change to your downloads folder (not necessary, but recommended).
cd Downloads
Now download the installation files using git. ( https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/google-chrome/ )
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/google-chrome.git
It downloaded a new directory “google-chrome”. Now move inside this directory, then list its content
cd google-chrome
makepkg -s
There will be two new files, we are going to work with the compressed file. First list them
Finally, complete the installation with the next command:
sudo pacman -U (file name)
Press “y” when prompted.
Your Google Chrome is ready to be used. use the launcher command below, or just look for Chrome in your application launcher.