Install Google Chrome on Garuda Linux using git

(not using git = sudo pacman -S google-chrome) For installing manually and practice (because is good to know how to use git to download, unpack and install other applications):

Follow these steps

sudo pacman -S git

Press “y” when prompted.

Then, change to your downloads folder (not necessary, but recommended).

cd Downloads

Now download the installation files using git. ( )

git clone

It downloaded a new directory “google-chrome”. Now move inside this directory, then list its content

cd google-chrome
The next step is to work with the PKBUILD file
makepkg -s

There will be two new files, we are going to work with the compressed file. First list them

Identify the file. Its numbers may variate depending on the latest version when you are doing this.

Finally, complete the installation with the next command:

sudo pacman -U (file name)

Press “y” when prompted.

Your Google Chrome is ready to be used. use the launcher command below, or just look for Chrome in your application launcher.


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